Lord, You love me when I am
You love me when I am right.
It seems that I am wrong,
More than I am right.
To be loved by You -- right or
wrong - is Grace!
Even when I am so low and flat
on my face;
When my feet hang over if I sit
on the floor,
It seems that You love and bless
me all the more.

You let me feel Your love, sweet
and warm.
You let it flow through me amid
the storm.
You overwhelm me with that
Divine Love from You,
So that I can't blink without
tears seeping through.
Your love makes me humble,
though spiritually stout.
And I feel strong--Thank You,
God! I can go in and out,
I can get up off the floor and
try one more time;
Because I'll go in Your strength
and not in mine.
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